Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bega Basic

It's 5:32am and I thought, it's about time to write about myself.


If you know me and you're reading this, you can just skip it.

I don't really want to do this. I don't know where to start or how much information to reveal. How much of my backstory is relevant to my current story.

Maybe I'll start by listing things.

  • My name is Bianca. I named myself Bega (Bee-guh) when I was learning how to talk. I could actually say my name at the time, I just preferred not to.
  • I'm 21, almost 22, and I have a son (he just turned two a few days ago and already he is THREE FEET TALL), a house that I'd like to sell (but I can't unless my brothers agree to it. :/) and two cars that are legally mine but I can't drive them because
  • I don't know how to drive. Yep. I am planning on becoming an EMT in a few weeks and I've got almost no clue how to operate a vehicle. Driving at speeds higher than 30 freak me out, and having other cars on the road causes me to turn to stone. I feel like I'm in Medusa's cross-hairs everytime I get on the highway behind the wheel. 
  • I like things that are small and pink and cute. For normal people, this means newborn humans, kittens and puppies. For me, this means other people's organs. 
Say hello to this adoooorable uterus.
You're going to tell me that isn't cute?

A cuterus.

How about now?

I like organs when they're cute and pink, and I'd like to keep them that way.

  • The uterus is my favorite organ, btw, and I really like vaginas. I've been interested in women's health, well, sexual and reproductive health, since I was about 7 years old. Blame my mother for leaving her textbooks around and letting me get at them. But then, she wasn't aware that I was reading on 'the college level' at that age.  
  • You can also blame my mother for my 'raging feminism'. 
  • I love emergency medicine, I think. I haven't had much  any experience with it yet, I just think that it would suit me, based on the fact that a.) I love medicine, and b.) I love banquet serving. 
But what does banquet serving have to do with emergency medicine? Well, not much. But they are both fast paced, and you will almost always have something to do. I cannot stand being bored. I like to have multiple jobs to do at once. I like getting things done quickly. It's a rush. 

Maybe I'm addicted to the rush. It's a good thing I care too much about my health to do amphetamines. 
(I find myself saying similar things a lot. I seem to have a lot of weird interests that could lead to me being involved in some unsavory activities. For example, my love of organs = "It's a great thing I'm so into medicine or I'd have to become a serial killer! :D")

  • If not emergency medicine, I would go into sports medicine. It's another adrenaline thing. It's totally not an I-love-athletes thing. The best thing I ever did in high school was student athletic training/sports medicine with 4 other girls. We had a real athletic trainer, of course, so we were pretty much water girls during football season. I enjoyed being on the sidelines at every game, every practice, and running out onto the field to squeeze into a huddle of muscular, testosterhotties. Okay. Maybe my love of sports medicine comes from a different place. Maybe that place is my vagina.
It really is just an adrenaline thing.

You might be wondering "Why not OB/GYN if you are so into women's health?" 

Well, my dears, because even though I love them, I do not want to stare into vaginas all day long, it just seems boring. I would rather teach Sex Ed/Health. In fact, I would love to teach that subject. Most of my peers know almost NOTHING about their sexual/reproductive health, and we are in our early 20's. It's disheartening. 

When I retire, I'm going to teach. But... it may be too late for America by then... :/ 

  • I've known since I was 3 that medicine was my calling, although originally I wanted to be a vet or a herpetologist, and then at 8 I decided I was going to become a geneticist. But that does not mean I haven't tried other things. 
I've been trained in carpentry/construction, culinary arts (and still my best friends treat me like anything I cook will result in their deaths. Gosh, mistake arsenic for powdered sugar ONE time, and they never let you forget it.), and some very basic veterinary stuff (certified veterinary assistant, right here.). But none of those things make my vagina as wet heart beat as fast as medicine. 

I had time to receive all that training because
  • I dropped out of high school when I was 16. Okay, technically I was expelled, but I was going to drop out anyway. I just couldn't take it anymore, I don't like teenagers and I had a serious problem with having very little personal freedom. (Fun fact; I was suspended several times and then expelled every year from 5th -10th grade. It would probably not be wise to reveal why.) I received my GED like a week after dropping out. 
Supposedly the GED exam is very hard and made so that only 50%-70% of graduating seniors would be able to pass, but I had near perfect scores on everything but math, so that just can't be true. I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to math, btw. 

I should have just gone to college the following fall, but because I wasn't legally allowed on any of my district's campuses, I couldn't take the standardized tests required for admittance. So I went to JobCorps instead, and joined a cult. 

No, I'm not kidding. 

It was... interesting. But I was more of an observer than a participant.

Anyway, I was kicked out of JobCorps twice. So I came home, took the ACT (32!), applied to a few schools, got accepted and didn't go because of a stupid thing called 'love', got a job at a pizza place, moved to Charlotte, did a lot of fun growing up things, and applied to FMU about 2 weeks before the start of the fall semester with the rest of my class, which was '07, btw. 

So I should be graduating now, right? Right?! 

No. Wrong. I dicked around for the first half of my freshman year, and got knocked up at the end of it. Fail.
(If I hadn't assumed that Nicholas was an ovarian cyst and just sat around waiting for it to rupture, I would have aborted him. Why did I assume I had a cyst and wasn't pregnant after being sexually active? Because a.)  We were using condoms, and b.) I took 2 or 3 pregnancy tests that turned out negative. Ugh. Anyway, I love Nicholas, so it's alright.)

 Anyway, I'm going to graduate in 2013 or 2014. I really don't know. It depends on how hard it is to handle school, work and a toddler. I tried school + infant last year and it did not go so well... 

Well, whatever. I look 16 and I'm going to live forever, so if I have to take school a bit slowly because of my child, that's fine by me.

Some more interesting (maybe) facts about me 

  • I have stalkerish tendencies. (Or maybe I'm just really curious.)
  • I'm not an insomniac, but I am nocturnal, I have been this way for as long as I can remember (and I can remember being 20 months old...). I do sleep 6-8 hours a day, it's just that they are literally during the day.
  • In 6th grade, I was expelled and sent to a private school. After a barrage of tests, I was skipped from 6th to 9th grade, but couldn't handle the math :( and the next year I was in 7th grade (the only year I wasn't expelled, come to think of it...), and back in public school. Imagine how much sooner I could have graduated if I didn't fucking suck at math! I get pissed off just thinking about it! >:(
  • I'm pro-choice. Okay, that was a given.
  • I have 2 older brothers, two younger stepsisters that I never see, a mother, and no father (my stepfather does not really count...). My biological father died in a motorcycle accident (that I scarily predicted) when I was 5. 
I can't think of anything else right now, because I am not very interesting, and because there are just some things I know I shouldn't reveal online.

So anyway, that's me.


  1. A cuterus.

  2. Whatever, you know it's adorable.

  3. Hey! Question! Are those average ovaries? Is there anything about them that make them larger than other ovaries I have happened to see? CUTE!

  4. Hey just curious to know how every thing turned out for you...
