Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Woo! I passed!

And I probably won't finish that ride-along entry. It is probably illegal to put such things on the internet, which is why I had some issues with writing it, because I am not exactly anonymous here, am I?

I mean, I would maintain the patients' anonymity, but still, it could have been an issue.

Anyway, my ride-along PALED IN COMPARISON to everyone else's ride alongs. Except for maybe one.
Okay, I got to see a dead guy, and thought I was going to be attacked during a suicide attempt, oh, and I gave ...uh.. advice on sexual positions to a middle-aged drunk who pulled his back while banging his wife, but some of my classmates got MVCs and GSWs and actually got to bandage them and oooooh
I am so jealous. I wanted to get covered in someone else's blood! It isn't faiiir!


Anyway, the class is over. Everyone passed! I'm so proud of them all!
Now we all just have to pass the practicals and stuff and get jobs and work at the same station and it'll be like we never left class!!

Ha. I'm just kidding. I'm moving to Charleston. I don't know what anyone else plans to do.

Anyway, hyper moment over.

I did terribly on the module 6 exam.

I just don't believe in studying, okay? I need to get past that somehow. Especially since I've got to memorize patient assessment thingies and skills until I can recite them in my sleep.

Funny thing is, I've got most of the medical assessment memorized
in Chinese.


I don't know. I just thought it would be fun to learn some medical Chinese and Spanish.

So anyway, that should be easy enough.

I'm confused. The Knee (that's the instructor, keep up.) told us that the only important thing is that we know the objectives. And then 5 minutes later, he said the important thing was to memorize the skill sheets.

Abrupt blog ending!